^~Fly with the wings~^: September 2015
Wish and pray for happiness to all your love ones

Monday, September 28, 2015

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: The Road Less Taken

Today marks a big historical milestone in my life.

I have officially put in my notice of resignation. The road ahead is uncertain and unknown.

I have been working in this company for the past 4.5 years, ever since I graduated. Made my way from Associate to Assistant Manager in 2 years, but a life-changing event took place last year.

It's been a year of contemplating, and today I finally did it. What may come may come. I shall have faith and trust that God put this forward to me because I am capable of taking it on.

It's not something that anyone will do, it scares most people. I made a decision, and I shall stay by it, cause this is my life. It's always about that. When I die, I want to know I have changed the lives of many. When I die, I want to know that I mattered. When I die, I want to know I have made the most of my time on Earth.

Death is inevitable.
The choices made during my life, is the only thing that I can influence and affect.

Many will shun me, many will question me, many will doubt me.

But I am done living by the expectations of society. I am done living a life of mediocrity. I am done....

It's time to fly, and reach high. Give me strength... 
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~