^~Fly with the wings~^: July 2005
Wish and pray for happiness to all your love ones

Friday, July 29, 2005

To those who care,
Yay!!! Gonna get my shuriken and kunai soon!!! Of course, my parents do not know. Keep it a secret between u and me, k? And Ruki's not telling anyone about our deal...

Today's interact meeting was really stupid. It was quite chaotic and in the end i got myself three things to do. Thye are help out in programme book, games and dance.... What dance lar! Ask the girls to do it mah. One thing's for sure, many others are better than me, Sarah for example.

Tomorrow's kuen cheng carnival thingy. Going but a little prob here and there. Hope it could be fixed. Regina!!! I'll try to keep my promise.

Piano was ok today. Did not perform quite well. The class was still fine after all my catastrophic playing. Anyway, going to finish my story part two very soon. Hopefully it's completed by next week. I wonder how many people would read continue reading. Even the first stack of papers are fast turning into trash-like condition thanks to SOME people i know of...

That's all for now!!! Mata Ne!!! (means cya soon)
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

Friday, July 22, 2005

To those who care,
Let me start with today... Its CARREER DAY and whew! i got accounting carrer talk. Wat i've been wanting to get. Yeah, i know it's weird cuz i am in science stream. Yeah, most of you think that it's soooooooo stupid, like some of those so called 'friends' who i hope would give at least a tiny bit of support... The carreer went on well, except for maybe some really discouraging factor. About wasting 7 YEARS just to achieve highest level, and the dang lot of exams every single level. One year to do all exams, and i'm getting fed up of studying even now........

NEXT!!!! Mr. Ganes finally gave out the slip for the Japan trip. Yay!!!! at first.Then, some really BAKA thing happens and 'I hope you understand, the price is just too high.' There goes my chance!!! Gomen ne, Ruki-san.

Change of senior yesterday. Oh, cool! I got Joon Hi!!! Additional duty, meaning hp duty is MINE!!!! ( with five other juniors )

The last paragraph to end this entry. I would like to apologise sincerely to those i had hurt with whatever action that i had taken, or whatever i had typed or said. The topic is actually about this para. I hope that all of you could be honest when you speak to me. Criticise me when u feel the need to. Don't keep everything in your heart, so that i can change to treat you better. I thank you for letting me know about my bad... ________
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

Saturday, July 16, 2005

To those who care,
Okey! Wednesday got confirmed as a prefect, that was a long days ago but just forgot to blog it. Felt relieved on that day but felt nothing more after that. For those who got it besdies me, congrats, and those who didn't.... Sorry i couldn't help...

NEXT!!! Today Harry Potter came out!!! Didn't expect much actually. The first chapter was quite devastating. Evil suddenly became so powerful, but Harry's still ever safe. I wonder why.

I know the title has nothing to do with the previous two paragraphs, or maybe it does. Ok, let me start off with i forgot to watch lost. So, i was planning to watch the repeat tomorrow, BUT i had to go to mid valley SO i had to ask my mum to record it. NEXT, i just realised that SHE said i could speak to her. WEIRD that such thing ever took place. FINALLY, jian han and jack gave a weird topic - if we were to ajak one girl to go out tomorrow to mid valley, who will I ASK. But they cancelled it anyway. SO, nothing really matters anymore...
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

Friday, July 08, 2005

To those who care,
I don't know what is wrong with this year. Stupid prefect suddenly so damn serious that they needed interview, points by teachers and stuff. I got so nervous and tensed up in the stupid bloody interview that i screwed the thing up COMPLETELY!!!

When we enter, we were to say our names, class and reason of becoming a prefect. I got up the bloody red stage and began with my name. Then, i screwed it by saying "I am from form FIVE"!!!!!!! What the hell man!!!! The whole room was laughing like mad. Then 'My dear principal' had to add by saying "you still have a few months before reaching that form. =.=" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Curse it.

today they said they were to announced the confimation on Monday. I feel like getting sick on that day rather than face the damn embarrasement in front of the school. So many people wished i was FIRED, and hell happy they will be on Monday.

What's more, yesterday when i wrote in my diary about the stupid interview, i had so many stupid mistakes!!! What is wrong, man. I only wanted to write in my entry of that day. Why must it be like that????!!!!! My story's another dumb thing. Got the damn ending but no stupid middle part. The ending is so bad it almost convinced me that "the writer's as dumb as an ass"., AND How to meet back the other two main characters? How will the female main char currently supposed to react? What is wrong with this week? CRAP!!! fufufufufufufufufufufufufuf......
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~