^~Fly with the wings~^: August 2014
Wish and pray for happiness to all your love ones

Sunday, August 17, 2014

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: Something different

Today let's touch on something about life.

We always see successful people coming up top. Appearing high top, doing what they love, and pursuing their DREAMS.

Those are actually the minority of us.

The rest of us...
Let money drive us to death.

Ask yourself this question - What do you love to do most?

For your job that earns you a living, does it jive with the question above?

If so, good...
If not, why?

We're all born with a free mind, but society have conditioned us to follow its system of modern slavery.

We started off with education, which is the best thing in our life. We learn, we practice, we improve.

Then after a certain point in time, we enter "SOCIETY".

What we need to give up is "Time"
What we get is "Income"

And most of the time, "Time given up" is not equals to "Income gained"....

Why? Because it's a job.. You get rewarded by making the boss richer, and to make sure you continue doing that, you are rewarded with a small piece of that fortune.

The poor makes the rich richer...

But then, there's something funny here... We are content with it in our subconscious mind. Yes, we complain and complain.. But guess what, this is stable... this is the only way we know... this is conventional.

We are all risk-averse creatures... We think too much of the possibilities that something will not work and is a terrible idea... Only those that dare take the risks and persevere in their belief, will eventually make it at the top.

The final question for the night:
Are you willing to take a leap of faith into something that you don't know for sure will work?

Cause I just did...
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~