^~Fly with the wings~^
Wish and pray for happiness to all your love ones

Thursday, June 20, 2013

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: Of results, presentations and Monsters University

Today's been quite an interesting day... *After 2 weeks of dull-ness*

Beginning the day with a fellow friend of mine texting on........


What this means is... time to go for a drink on 6th Aug, pray on 5th Aug and definitely not think about this at all before then!!!!

Then comes the part where I stroll to work...... With one other worry at hand today... there's a presentation and I'm taking a rather big part of the presentation!

What presentation?

Essentially it's about this thing called the Visual Basic for Application a.k.a. VBA used to create an option pricing model for one of the engagements.. Now, we need to give a presentation to whole group of high level people on the complexity of the model... for reasons undisclosed...

Best part is that I'm assigned to the most technical bit of the whole presentation, i.e. running through the mechanics of the model.....

AND that translates to... PREPARATION NEEDED!

Whole morning I've been trying to keep up with my script and to run through the points over and over again...

Eventually, went for the meeting and gave the presentation with a flair the best we could and the team thought we did quite well in the meeting... So it should be fine, I guess... =D

The end of today was good and only happened cause dear friend, Alex, won 4 tickets to the premier screening of Monsters University!

Best thing But sadly, he wasn't able to make it for the show, so I got the privilege to go for it =) Thank you Alex if you're reading this! =P

Monsters University Screening Passes!

Movie was very entertaining.. In fact it exceeded my expectations!! It's funny, interesting and has a lot of fun factors in it..
IMDB rated it 7.6 / 10 and I think it deserved its rating. Well done Pixar!

Thanks Jhan and Janice for making it to the movie!!

And I hope you have enjoyed yourself for the night =)

Well, it's late as it is... so good night people!

If you still have time for music, listen to this
Cover for Taylor Swift's "22"

and of course the original by Taylor Swift herself =) 

*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~


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