^~Fly with the wings~^: January 2010
Wish and pray for happiness to all your love ones

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: You become what you eat

Ever heard the phrase you are what you eat??

Well, here's something I came about: A living slug that produces it's own chlorophyll. Beat that!!!! And you thought only plants do that!! They even manage to perform Photosynthesis which will forego their need to eat anything at all as long as they get enough light to produce the energy they need!!!

Article here

Apparently, the sea slug, who ate algae for all their life, managed to sync with the DNA of algaes and thus giving them the ability to do plant stuff! They even give birth to new-borns that could produce chlorophyll on their own!!!

Hmm... And chinese have been eating pigs =P
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

Saturday, January 09, 2010

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: ??

Every dusk we see people pouring out and every dawn we see people scrambling away.

Now what's keeping these people going?

If ever you try to sit still one day and feel that, "Hey, this is peace." Then I guess you've learned a valuable lesson in life...

I don't think I can achieve that, at least not just yet.

For now.. I'm sitting in front of the square box, thinking of where is my next step. I'm still a toddler, not yet taken big steps of my own.

Sometimes I just wonder... Am I even in it for the game?
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~