^~Fly with the wings~^: January 2009
Wish and pray for happiness to all your love ones

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: 国境之南

Another nice song to be shared. From the movie 海角七号:



如果海會說話 如果風愛上沙
如果 有些想念遺忘在某個長假
我會聆聽浪花 讓風吹過頭髮

非得等春天遠了 夏天才近了
我是在回首時 終於懂得

當陽光再次 回到那 飄著雨的國境之南
我會試著把 那一年的故事 再接下去說完
當陽光再次 離開那 太晴朗的國境之南
你會不會把 妳曾帶走的愛

海很藍 星光燦爛
天很寬 在我獨自唱歌的夜晚

當陽光再次 回到那 飄著雨的國境之南
我會試著把 那一年的故事 再接下去說完
當陽光再次 離開那 太晴朗的國境之南
你會不會把 妳曾帶走的愛


Guitar pro tabs will be posted when done... and maybe/hopefully my 自弹自唱.
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: miserable

Maybe it was not meant. Maybe it was not for. Maybe it was not....

Ending... What would be a good ending? It's hard to end stories. Sometimes you try to get a good perfect ending, but your readers may not love it. Sometimes you just try to be different in ending, but it may turn out to be disastrous. It is just difficult to end it, especially when you've created a lovely story. Or so you thought... Maybe your story was never good in the first place, but would that affect the way you end it? You try to end your story, and then figured that "hey, why not continue the story?". So you continued the story, but it became worse still. The contents slowly turned black, shifting into a sad miserable path. Then, the story will be terrible. So how should you end a story? When should you? In the end... You may still come up with an ending that is forced by circumstances and that may truly be the end. So... What's your ending...
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

Saturday, January 17, 2009

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: Sick of humans

Humans, a bunch of useless beings living on earth with one objective, bring mass destruction. I think we call them Parasites on Pluto... *If only it was not taken out of our solar system*

God was created to create morale and rules to confine these beings called humans. Knowing these Humans, they take these as just things to show them how to cheat the more logical thinking ones. "Rules are meant to be broken", these pathetic beings said. Little do they know the damage they bring. They can never think. They were blessed with intelligence, but they tend to use their bacteria instinct instead.

Those Humans who really ascended to a different level remain only a few out armies of them. Humans.... Despicable you are... Pray that one day doomsday come and see what you all shall become of.. Ash? Bunch of rascals? Or Higher Humans... who have the heart to heal the world.

Think before you start acting, they said. You ever wondered how you would feel if suddenly everyone you ever knew got killed in a war? Then why do you want to kill others by starting a war...? Criminals... Ever think of what it would feel like if you were at your victim's position? Government... Ever think of what your people would say about you when you act? Etc etc...

Humans oh humans... I look forward to your downfall... ~
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

Monday, January 12, 2009

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: lonely?

Nowadays, everyone is flying overseas to study. I'm stuck here. Everyone is slowly going away. Twinning or straight or whatever. Ends up... I'm left alone.

This year half is gone... Next year another half is gone... And slowly everyone is gone.. till maybe a few small amount is left... should I follow them? Or should I stay...

AISHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! What is it that should be chosen!!!!
*words of wisdom* (1)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

Sunday, January 04, 2009

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: The promised pictures

A gift from you to me.
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~