^~Fly with the wings~^: September 2008
Wish and pray for happiness to all your love ones

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: Spore?? SPOREEEEEEE

Something has come to conquer us!!! Something has come to our control!!! Something has come to dominate the world and SPACE!!! IT'S SPORE!!!!!!

What is spore? It's a game, yeaps! No mistake a game! By the creators of Sims. This shall give you an idea of what is Spore. Your basic objective is to advance from cell to well-grown creatures that are far superior than what humans once were!!


We get to see how small our universe is after the great destruction, or was it before 0.o?
wow.... small...

Those blinking blinking stuffs are planets, we start off with a few planets to choose from, take it as a "profile" that is individual of each. Ya, you can't have more than one creature per planet. Sux eh..

Then we have the magnificent gameplay!!!
creature stage!!! So cuttteeee

Sorry, I forgot to screen shot the cell stage. This is the creature stage, after we got to land. Yeah, those 3 things are my creatures =D

Let's take a closer look at my creature
Here's Ying Ying ^^

You can see all the stats on this very useful spyglass. Spy on your fellow surrounding creatures to determine if you are able to apprehend them =D

Go on, have a go with it!!! Warning at hand: Play too long and you will find boredom coming towards you in civilisation stage +_+ So, have fun people!!! It's a Spore world out there!!!
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

Sunday, September 28, 2008

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: Selfish malays

Ya... I'm pissed at how inconsiderate the malays have become. This stretch of road that any person driving in 40km/h can reach the main highway in 5 minutes turn out to take 40 minutes JUST BECAUSE THE MALAYS WANT TO GO ENJOY THEMSELVES IN SOME NIGHT MARKET CRAP!!!!!

A 2-lane road! One car parked on the left, one car parked on the right! WHAT THE HELL? NO BRAINS AR? Then got double park and triple park. If you police want to earn a lot from your summons, be in this places and you can easily get a hundred tickets going out EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!!!!!!!

But we all know that in Malaysia, it does not happen. *REFER TO THIS POST*

Frankly speaking.... This parking issue stretches all the way to the housing areas. They even removed barricades on a road building site to park RIGHT ON THE ROADS!!!!! Where's the law!!!!!!!!! It does not give you any right at all to do such parking!!! Why must passerby suffer just because you want to have fun? It is not about what race you are, it's about what you are taught and your bloody conscience!!!! (If you even have one)

It was a peaceful little town before that thing got set up. I'm not happy, but it seems that there isn't any remedies to that. In this world, fairness and justice exists in the one with power, and I lack power. So all I can, is to shout it out and go on with life after that. Good night people.
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~

Saturday, September 20, 2008

To those who care,
Thoughts for the day: money and caps

First of all, money and capital market is a headache. Half of the contents in the book you won't get it on your first read through. No problem! We have lecture notes to help keep us up =D Good news!!! On the other hand we have a one-of-a-kind lecturer who speaks a lot of stars. Cool. The best part is, my tutor is the same person!!!

I should be happy. A lecturer for a tutor!!! I mean, he knows his stuff!!! That's the only plus point in this case. At the beginning of the semester, the very first tutorial class, we had a full class. The second class and so on, we had a massive absentees count, obviously with most already switched to other tutes. So, what does that tell you? This is the year 2008, second sem. What the tutor/lecturer did in class, had not helped the students to comprehend and love the subject. Yes, sure we're supposed to know EVERYTHING. We're supposed to ACT like an adult. We're even supposed to FULLY spend our time on studies. What more is there to life? (Note: sarcasm tone)

At the beginning, we had the lecturer telling us about all kinds of things about not to put his name and stuff on blogs and stuff, now I fully understand why. The way he carries himself is just not right for a tutor, at least from my point of view. Well, I hope he sees this and would think about it, possibly even change. I doubt it because by the way he is, he would give me a lecture on how wrong I have been by discussing about him here. So, all you students who are under him and feel different, I'm sorry for the harsh comments on him (if it even is harsh).
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~