^~Fly with the wings~^: May 2005
Wish and pray for happiness to all your love ones

Saturday, May 21, 2005

To those who care,
The whole part of writing this blog this time is to say that my exams are well over and i dun really give a _________ if i really screwed that up. (not now in particular). After a few days, however is a complete different story.

Anyway now to actually concentrate on more important things (to me, that is). First of all would of course to watch "Bleach" that i've been saving.

then, would be to read Artemis Fowl: Opal Deception and to get my hands on the PS2. Yes, and to contionue with my story, "Forgotten Tales" I name it. How i wish it would turn out to be very nice and would attract many readers. But aurthor i am not so i could only write as my heart wishes and 'to bestow upon' the story my very wishes and dreams.

Since i am writing this, might as well wish Sarah a real early happy birthday! (the real date's on 31 May. Same numbers and letters ,including the year that is, of mine which is on the 13 of May.) Pity, pity i could not get her a present.

And the song would be from final fantasy IX this time. Nice song. Yes, the title's "You're not alone". Not Michael Jackson's, it's Nobuo's.
*words of wisdom* (0)
>> §cripted by ~|Inire|~